Hydrogen as a fuel in commerce

Hydrogen as a fuel in international trade is a promise that many companies claim is the alternative to replace natural gas, and that it does not emit greenhouse gases in its combustion. Experts in the field recently participated in the World Hydrogen Latin America Summit to discuss the inclusion of hydrogen in trade in Latin America, the Caribbean and Mexico.

The most important point is the costs and infrastructure for its production, since it is not found in isolation in nature, but is generated from other substances that contain it, including water, coal and natural gas. The ideal way to produce it would be to obtain it directly from water – a substance present in 70% of the planet, for which it would be necessary to carry out a process called electrolysis, which consists of the decomposition of water molecules (H2O) into oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2).

Among the participants of the Summit was Alexis Rodriguez, Regional Head of Energy Transition Maersk, who indicated that it is necessary to consider not only strategic places for its construction, but also that these have the capacity to sustain the calorific power of this fuel. He also indicated that the company has a project to reduce the carbon footprint in maritime, land and air transportation.

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