Your import can be benefited by the FTAs in force, these acronyms refer to free trade agreements, either bilateral or multilateral to form a strategic trade union, determining the tariffs and duties that the countries involved impose on imports and exports with the aim of reducing or eliminating trade barriers, thus promoting international trade.
It is important to highlight the difference that exists with the customs unions, in the second case it is a fundamental requirement that a common tariff is established between all the parts involved, in opposition to the free trade agreements with which the parties will adopt a system of preferential rules of origin that are not necessarily common between them.
Some of the treaties currently in force in which Venezuela participates are: WTO, MERCOSUR, ALBA, ALADI, CELAC, UNASUR, among others.
These agreements allow importers and exporters to obtain benefits and exemptions in the payment of tariffs.
To learn more about how the treaties can benefit you, you can contact us and we will provide all the advice: